There is a very bizarre news. An individual was arrested in Indore for assaulting somebody. He failed to attend court and was declared an absconder. The same absconder is judge in the same city since last fifteen years. After about 15 years of passing judgments in court, he has been discovered.

Judge Narendra Kumar Jain is Additional District and Sessions Judge in Indore. He has been placed under suspension after a vigilance inquiry.

The episode of a judicial absconder getting appointed in judicial service and that too in the place where he committed crime tells a lot about administrative inefficiency. Not surprising even a terrorism suspect may manage to join govt service by duping police and intelligence.

This news appears in Excise Law Times dated 7th June 2010, which is based on 'The Indian Express New Delhi dated 22-5-2010

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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This is a shameful finding. Shame on Indian legal system. Hope lessons are learnt from this.

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What are we coming to! He functioned as a judge for 15 long years!!
What are we coming to! He functioned as a judge for 15 long years!!
Chinmoy- He is still a judge and placed under suspension. During period of suspension, he will continue to get subsistence allowance,which is half the normal pay,without any work.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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