Caret Today's rate yesterday rate Difference
24K (per gram) in Rs 1877 1880 3
22K (per gram) in Rs 1746 1749 3
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The information you have provided might be useful to regular gold traders,but how many members would find it so I have doubts!!
This is a very good information provided by you..

Everybody must have a look here...

Keep us updated..

Aastha Gupta
The rate of bullion, foreign exchange, metals, shares etc. are available in daily papers. I don't understand the purpose of posting this in discussion columns as there is nothing to discuss about.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

May be just to give a golden touch to the site!
Like share market discussions, gold discussions. Just for information.

Cool information and hot earnings @

There is absolutely no harm in having it.But there are not too many enthusiasts in this site.That's the point.
Thanks for this information. Keep us updated on daily basis. And you can also put up ETF rates here.

Click the below link for news which you can use:NeWsYoUCaNUsE
These is a good information provided by you

nice article

keep posting
We have discussed about US recession.
but what about our Indian economy

Tell me about :- Why the sharemarket goes down & gold rate goes up?
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