North Korea which is having running battle with the other part of Korea,South Korea, is claiming to habe invented a drink which is going to keep you eternally youthful.It contains 60 kinds of microelements extracted from 30 species of plant.It has no side effects.
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Wonder if it as good as they claim it to be!!! Guess the South Koreans and the rest of the world better start thinking fast!! :unsure:

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

This is a good invention..Tehy are saying that it has no side effects...but I think it will have some...that will only come to know when it will be actually used by common people...
hope it will be proved as good method of anti aging.

Aastha Gupta

What kind of effects it will give? Will it retain the skin without any shrink even if we become old?

It claims to have both preventive and curative effects and what is so striking in its calim is the fact that it helps improving retentive and mental faculties by multiplying brain cells.It protects skin from wrinkles and black spots and other geriatric ailments like cerebral haemorrhage,myocardium and brain infarction.I do not have any information on its status as far as the availability.price etc.We may have to wait for sometime before its tall claims are verfied.
Well lot of features other than anti-ageing one..hope it will be well tested before launch..the price may be more too...
thanks chinmoy for the information.
North Korea is the only Iron curtain country left. It is difficult to accept on face value any claim of North Koreans. The said anti aging super drink need independent testing outside Korea.

Moreover any drink may be good for health only to a limited extent. Human body is bound to deteriorate and die one day. even human made machinery does not last for ever in spite of maintenance. Youth must give way to old age.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

For the time being let lull ourselves with the sweet thoughts of agelessness!!
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