There is strange news from Rampur district of Uttar Pradesh. Neeraj Chauhan topped the high School Examination in her district. Her achievement with photograph was published in newspaper.

It was discovered that the High School topper was already a postgraduate. she appeared in Board Examination by concealing her higher qualifications and appeared on strength of her Eight class marks sheet. Her brother is a teacher. He helped her in appearing for the exam.

Is it permissible for a postgraduate to appear in High School? I wonder.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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Yes Gulshan ! It is really a strange news..I think there is no age limit for appearing in high school or intermediate exams..

As We know recently 66 year old also appeared in the high school exam..

Software Engineers never die...They just go offline.
Wow!! Really a strange news. These days I am hearing many such strange news.
I wonder what her actual purpose may be in appearing for high school exam again???? :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Kumaresh. this is not a matter of age limit. Here the issue is that the High School topper is a post graduate. The 66 years old man has no qualification higher or equal to high School.

The point is that a post graduate appeared in high School and topped in the District.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I got your point Gulshan! Post graduage is not allowed in the examination. But she has appeared by using unfair means. She must be punished.

I think her motive behind appearing in high school exam was to become topper. But she was able to top district not state.. :) despite having master degree!!

Software Engineers never die...They just go offline.
She just tried to master the art of deception without perfecting it!!!
She is already an post graduate. Why she written other time ??

Earlier this is a practice in corporate institutes for showing that they got top rank in IIT!!!

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Her motives are as bewildering as her act!!
I thk she wanted to try to get into the papers by hook or crook!

Anyway what she did was truely unfair
Such a shame

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