A 58 year old woman gave birth to a baby boy in Kerala through caesarean section. The baby is normal and weighs 2.3 kg.She wished to have a baby as she lost both of his sons, one at the age of three and other at the age of 18. She had conceived through IVF treatment.

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It must rank as one of the rarest cases for a woman to become a mother of a baby at 58!
last year 69 year old woman gave birth to a baby boy in gujarat i think.
Very rare to hear. Anyway I hope she enjoys her life with the small baby.
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It is very rare incidence.
My heartiest congratulations to the lady and her family.
I wish lady and her kid will enjoy the life in happy and healthy tone..

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By doing so she has gone against the medical opinion and it should treated that as a freak case.And we can only wish the well-being of the mother and the baby.
I endorse Chinmoy's opinion. One must not crave for anything- money, child or success. Having a child was not so necessary for her. At this old age, I wonder how she will bring up the child. However, I wish the best for mother and child.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

come on Gulshan, that is there wish to have kids at this age. Congrats to the mother and baby
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