Yes its Mumbai received its first rains at midnight around 12.30a.m.

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Very pleasant news jayen. Natural cool air is definitely very refreshing.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

AC can cool but can't refresh.. So natural cool air is required, it refreshes us, makes us happy ..

Now a days, in Coimbatore , nights are very cool..

Software Engineers never die...They just go offline.
Well i am still beating the heat without AC.. :huh:
After the whole day at 1.42 in the night i am able to make comments with good state of mind... :P
Oh! It is still hot here at my place... Hope to feel thecool breeze soon...Waiting for monsoons....

Thanks 'n' Regards,
Yes. It is very hot here. Temperature is around 42. Waiting for monsoon. They come within 1 week. Then enjoy!!!

Cool information and hot earnings @
Yesterdau it rained at Agra. The environment is cool. Now we are feeling pleasant without a.c. and cooler.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Thats great!!!
I was eagerly waiting for monsoons to strike Hyderabad. Its too hot here. :(

Thanks 'n' Regards,
Only hope that the rains will last longer.. rather than just 1 or 2 days.
I had been to a place called Tadipatri for official purposes in Andhra Pradesh. The average temperature during summers there is usually 45 degrees and I was told it rains only for few days in whole year. Just imagine how people there must be living.

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