A gang of five to six people had stolen the ATM machine of HDFC bank weighing around 400 kg in Bangalore. The incident happened around midnight and the security guards were asleep. The thiefs have blocked the power supply to the CCTV camera and burglar alarm cleverly. It is estimated that there might be Rs.16 lakhs in the machine.

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Oh!!!In HDFC bank!!!!

Hope the security is very concerned in the recent times!!!!!!!!!

Thanks 'n' Regards,
Great.....now its happened with HDFC bank too!

this incident already happened in Pune with ICICI and another nationalized bank!!

Its becoming so easy for thieves to get away with such robberies!!! :(

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

YES --- The security should be very strong!!!! There should be very high security maintained!!!!


Thanks 'n' Regards,
I do not what the hell these security guards do at the time of duty... :angry:

This gives chance to burglars to commit the crimes, sometimes they make guards unconcious..

A very highly supervised security system is the need of the hour..

Aastha Gupta
Very smart of them! A lot of meticulous planning must have gone into it!!
ha ha nowdays atm machine too?? undi now atm machine as technology improves the robbers make it as advantage
similar attempts have take place in Agra also. Recently, several lakh rupees have been stolen The password for opening the cash inside the machine is known only to bank officials. Apparently, bank staff and some ex staff who know the technical aspects completely are responsible for such thefts.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

It is very funny to know that ATM machines are stolen..Previously heard of hacking ATM machines and bank accounts but now the complete machine is stolen...Maybe the security guards are also involved??? Is there any investigation going on this theift or as usual in search of culprits...
I suspect the hands of insiders in this.As in other cases in our country it is always the insiders who always itch to create trouble!!!
Five or Six people can steal 400kg weighed machine? Really amazing.

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