Hai Friends,

I was really happy to see this news...

One year old Pakisthani boy was operated in INDIA for the rare disorder where the body’s immune system over reacts and starts eating up its own defence cells. The baby was in immediate need of a bone marrow transplant.

He was then operated by getting the rare stem cell transplantion in INDIA.

Have a look at the news here...

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Thats really a good news..and we should not discriminate between India or Pakistan, humanity is one..
These types of news really inspires and tellus that people are still of friendly nature.

Aastha Gupta
YES -- small kid of 1 year old got had found that rare stem cell in our country....

I hope Pakistan is very lucky to have India as its neighbor. :)

Thanks 'n' Regards,
Saving life of a boy is,indeed,a great piece of news irrespective of any country.
A number of cardiac operations of Pakistanis in India were reported earlier.But now being not a news media don't cover them.

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India has been providing these medical facilities and treatment to all the neighbouring countries.And all we should be heartened by this fact.
it happens with God's grace...

may people of both sides realize these simple things..i.e. humanity and human values.
Yes Humanity should be over all thoughts and believes.Then only human race will survive.

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YES Abid... You are right!!!!

And more over, It is proved with this incident that -- Indians are very kind hearted to even enemies... :)


Thanks 'n' Regards,
Deepti. We are not at war with Pakistan. naturally, the citizens of that country are not alien enemies and this is okay to give them medical facilities. So, the news is welcome.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

We are not willing for War... But Pakistan is willing to have... Even in this condition, India is giving its hand to the needy... Thats what I was just telling... :)

Thanks 'n' Regards,
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