For last 3 days the climate has drastically changed with the begining of heavy rains in the month of MAY. And the most sad news is LAILA Cyclone is causing havoc in Andhra Pradesh. Especially the coastal areas are effected and lost of crops due to unexpected rains. :( It is upsetting daily activites of people.Now the cyclone is about to reach ORissa and WEst bengal to do the rest of its damage. People are alerted not to venture in sea and the cyclone is very dangerous compared to others as it travels at the speed of 155 km an hour.It means a complete village can be damaged with the air speed.

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Yes ... The climatic is very cool in Hyderabad... and sun is playing hide and seek, not coming out most of the time....

Just now it started drizzling... This effect is due to the Cyclone "Laila"

Thanks 'n' Regards,
Laila cyclone had also did her duty in Tamilnadu causing heavy rains for the past two days.Thanks to laila, extreme heat prevailed in the state has reduced drastically in the past two days.
The natural disasters are beyond human control. All we can do is take precautions in the light of weather forecast. The disaster victims need be adequately compensated.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Cyclone is nature treatment no one can know when it will come. I am in Gujarat and this time its very hot no raining .

Santosh Kumar Singh


Due to Laila there is heavy rains in our region. Due to Laila there is only 2 hours current from the last 32 hours. This is the first time i am seeing such situation in our place. The situation is worse. Now it is getting better.

Cool information and hot earnings @
Last two days ,Laila cyclone changed entire summer heat to warm .

With Regards
After Aila , LAila comes.Any how the situation is very serious.LEt them all be secure.

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Weather is very bad.. It is raining frequently here in Coimbatore from last 24 hours..

Software Engineers never die...They just go offline.
even in kerala the situation is same. Full of rain and storm
Although this has brought down the temperatures in the Southern and Western parts,we have been struggling with excessive humidity and heat in West Bengal.
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