I can only pity the people living in manipur.
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It is really a pathetic and pitiable situation for the Manipur people. I wonder what government is doing there ? why it is not able to take necessary measures for getting rid of the situation? Or do they have some political motive behind this? Why security forces not being ordered to handle situation?

Software Engineers never die...They just go offline.
Oh GOD!!!

This is very terrible situation.....

What to eat... what to drink!!!!

I think government should take some immediate steps to bring the situation back into control :(

Thanks 'n' Regards,
It is an instance of gross dereliction of duty on the part of the government.
What the hell is this is really is a frustrating situation. 1000 for a cylinder of cooking gas. Thanks for bringing this to light. lets spread this news through proper channels to all so that everyone is aware about this.

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This is disgusting. This is caused by regionalism. Certain sections of Nagas are causing trouble by demanding merger of some areas of manipur to Nagaland. There is lack of nationalism in North East as well.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Manipur is a state which typifies the withering of the state in a systematic manner.The state has been a mute witness to large scale subversion of civil life,social strife and tension.
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