Mumbai High court has ruled that a woman cannot seek divorce just because she was asked to wear sari and not Salwar kameez in her in law house.

The Hon'ble High court agreed that it may be difficult to wear Sari but this is no ground for seeking divorce.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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I too read this news in Hindu paper today. Divorce based on dress is very difficult. This is a very small issue

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This is a very silly reason that can be solved by just talking to each other!!!!!

How can a petition be filed for this small issue???

Thanks 'n' Regards,
But i also read that they demanding dowry and torturing her. So this is other reason for divorce

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Of all reasons and grounds for divorce - a matter relating to dress sounds pretty amusing.So divorce-seeker better prepare some other grounds!!!
Reason for divorce is so funny I listed it first time. Anyway good joke.

Santosh Kumar Singh


The couple who are keen to part ways would go for any excuse to separate and the present case falls into that category.
The lady seeking divorce presented all facts, she felt, could help her. Cruelty is one of the reasons for seeking divorce. According to he the compulsion to wear a sari amounts to cruelty. although the court did not agree to her plea, I also feel that wearing sari could be difficult. Personally, I cannot wear dhoti Kurta. So, if I am forced, this will be cruel to me.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Now divorce is being made easier by amending the Hindu marriage Act. The marriage is not considered so unbreakable. The amendment may prove disastrous.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

This is indeed a very petty reason for seeking divorce!! I agree Gulshan, that being forced to do something that one does not like amounts to cruelty. BUt couldn't this be talked out and resolved! :dry:

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

i dont think we can really do anything regarding an issue like divorce. it is a domestic matter n no one will know best bout it but the persons involved. wouldn't it be like us encroaching upon others' private domain... dis is wat i feel.
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