Google invested 39 Million Dollars in two wind farms in USA North Decota region.The capacity is estimated to be 169.5MW.

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Abid could you please explain the importance of this news. What is its pecularity or you provide this for just information

i think you are right..

Abid Sir please give more information on this...
I am lover of nature.So any news like these that is environmental friendly will attract my attention.Here this is a move by world's best company to utilise natural resource for power production.

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Thanks for telling this news man....
Thats nice very good information from you thanks abid

Welcome guys.I also want you to share such environment friendly news here.

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This is an very good financial decision by google. This will go a long way in addressing its power requirements also good diversification of portfolio.

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A huge investment for the nature. A great values news indeed
Good Morning to all friends!

I think it is a very significant decision on the part of google.Perhaps it is sending a very good message here.
@Abid thanks for sharing this information!!

As we all know we are fast using up the sources of energy such as oil and natural gas and these are non-renewable! It is high time that joint efforts should be made to search for viable and renewable sources of energy, such as wind and sunlight! Google has taken the first step towards it!! This is very [positive and comforting news! :)

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

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