Pakisthan goverment issued an order which states that the cinema theatres should close after 8 PM in the day. Shopping malls, markets,shops etc should close after 7 PM in the day. This step is taken as a result of the serious power shortage in Pakisthan.But it is not known how much this will be implemented in reality.


Why can't indian government can also think of taking some decisions like this instead of cutting power in villages and giving it to cities? Please share your views.
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We need not learn from Pakistan. We should on our own change priorities. We must promote agriculture, forests, wild life and armed forces and accordingly change priorities. The resources including energy must be suitably planned.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

i am not amazed to read this news.Pakistan will suffer of its own problems in coming years..

:) :) :) :)
Bhanu- Besides Pakistan, we shall also suffer for wrong priorities. We must plan our population and resources and encourage agriculture, plantation, wild life, forestation and build military strength.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Yes.. thats good rule...not after 7PM...but this rule can be implemented and all the recreating means can be closed after 9PM...

Thanks 'n' Regards,
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