Researches have shown that excess of salt leads to blood pressure, heart attack and other diseases . 8 lakhs people are losing their lives in US because of these problems. Even though New york Mayor Bloomberg is creating awareness about this the US companies now only have decided to reduce the salt content. To start with, 16 companies producing sandwiches,ketup and sauce have decided to reduce the salt content in their food products.
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I think doctors normally advise people especially the ones suffering from high blood pressure and it would be quite interesting to know the scenario in our country in this respect.
I think these type of problems are increasing in India also so instead of stop salt need to concentrate on Yoga in the direction of Ramdev Baba.

Santosh Kumar Singh


All do not suffer from high blood pressure. some have low blood pressure. They take coffee for normalizing blood pressure. The reduction of salt content by U.S. company may be clever trick to reduce cost and raise profit. Possibly, some companies may reduce sugar content in name of diabetic patients.
I think that the companies should manufacture according to customer tastes. What suits a person from health point is between him and his health adviser/ physician.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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