Recent study has shown that consumption of green tea is good for curing several eye diseases.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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Yes this is true thanks for the information.

Click the below link for news which you can use:NeWsYoUCaNUsE
That's a good piece of information and I also hear that it fights tooth decay and improves one's immune system as it contains polyphenols and flavenoids.
Yes thats true. Green tea has anti-oxidants in it, which helps us to get rid of the polluted air.. and also heard that it is used as a treatment for the obesity.

Thanks 'n' Regards,
I think this may be true. I also feel freshness after taking tea. Good news keep it up.

Santosh Kumar Singh


@Santosh, hope it is good if you also tell something that gives a piece of information for us.. instead of just typing good and keep it up... :)

And then regarding green tea, well I heard of it from my sister-in-law, saying that it is good for diabetic patients..... then I had some inquiry done from my side for my father... havent found it any of the food stores, finally go it at the coffee shop....

But now I was able to get green tea sachets from mant of the tea producing companies, like Tetley...

Thanks 'n' Regards,
hi all,
For more information about green tea you can visit
Thanks for the link MC... well now we have a lot awareness in the society regarding green tea.

Thanks 'n' Regards,

Green tea is the best product for solving so many problems in natural cure procedure.

Also Reduction of over weight, control of Diabetic (without Milk&Sugar) etc.
My some friend take black tea only they do not prefer milk tea. They say mild can cause of Cancer.

Santosh Kumar Singh


Santosh- You have referred to milk tea. In this context, i am reminded of Menaka Gandhi's advice against milk. according to her, milk is unnatural food. Only infants take milk from mother's breast. The adults taking milk of animals is against nature. No living being except humans take milk of another specie.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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