Polish President "Lech Kaczynski" was killed early Saturday along with his wife, several top military officials, and the head of the national bank when their plane crashed at a western Russian airport.

There are no survivors!!!!!
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The president, 60, had been traveling with the Polish delegation to Russia for the 70th anniversary of the massacre of Polish prisoners of war in the village of Katyn.

The Polish military plane originated in Warsaw. It was approaching the airport at Smolensk, just a few miles east of Katyn and probably hit some trees at the end of the runway, and this disaster happened.

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yup, you are right .i saw that news.plane crashed 400 km from Moscow due heavy fog. :(
it was flying from Warsaw to Moscow.
Oh..Really sad to knew that many high officials of a country lost lives in a single accident.

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It is really a shocking news. It shows the uncertainty of life.

Software Engineers never die...They just go offline.

A very grim tragedy,indeed! My heart reach out to the members of the family of the deceased.Here I record my condolences.May the departed souls rest in peace!
Yes that's a sad news that was flashing in news channels. May souls of all who lost life in this tragedy rest in peace.

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This crashed ravaged the top levels of Poland's military, political and church elite Saturday, killing the Polish president and dozens of other dignitaries as they traveled to a ceremony commemorating a slaughter that has divided the two nations for seven decades.
Thousands of people, many in tears, placed candles and flowers at the presidential palace in central Warsaw. Many called the crash Poland's worst disaster since World War II.

The crash also shocked Russia. Sensing the depth of the tragedy for Poland, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin personally took charge of the investigation and very quickly and publicly offered condolences, along with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev.

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It was a shocking accident. Lot of top officials. Too much for a country to bear. my deep condolences to the polish people
The airplane crash killing so many top leaders of Poland is indeed shocking. While we mourn death of the precious lives, we should also draw lessons in India from the incident. The top dignitaries should not be traveling in a single plane.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Its really sad and bad for poland country that they lost president as well as many top government officials.Its seems to political issue i listened in the news is that right.
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