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Same sex in not natural sex, so how can it be beneficial to human kind. These kind of reports are based on the mentality of the people where the report is conducted, but not according to whole world.

Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani

Why the gays should bother about the world ?  Theirs a different world altogether.Now even from India many gays are ready to go to USA so that their marriages are legalized.


Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
rambabu wrote:

Why the gays should bother about the world ?  Theirs a different world altogether.Now even from India many gays are ready to go to USA so that their marriages are legalized.


If all or even most become gay and lesbian, humnan race will definitely end very soon.  It is okay to respect rights and emotions of every one- even total lunatices.  But it is totally absurd to narrate virtues of gay/ lesbian relations or marriage or to treat them as normal family. One has to be totally blind to accept them as normal. In fact, if gay and lesbian relation and same sex marriage were normal, there would be no need for any campaign by them.  Normal marriage between man and woman is sustained since centuries rather from the early history of mankind.  There has never been campaign for hetero sexula marriages for the simple reason that this is according to order of nature and sane human behavior.  



G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Sam sex marriages will always be handful in quantum. No need to get unnecessarily  worried as to what will happen to mankind. Laws are made by humans so right or wrong is based on needs of time. Otherwise it is hypocritical.

It has been hailed by majority countries. Even many gays in India are getting themselves ready to go to the USA to get their marriages legalized.


Our society will still take a long time to become truly liberal. Too many layers exist in our social set up.

Very much true. It takes lot of time to see a liberal India.


Gulshan Kumar Ajmani wrote:
rambabu wrote:

Why the gays should bother about the world ?  Theirs a different world altogether.Now even from India many gays are ready to go to USA so that their marriages are legalized.


If all or even most become gay and lesbian, humnan race will definitely end very soon.  It is okay to respect rights and emotions of every one- even total lunatices.  But it is totally absurd to narrate virtues of gay/ lesbian relations or marriage or to treat them as normal family. One has to be totally blind to accept them as normal. In fact, if gay and lesbian relation and same sex marriage were normal, there would be no need for any campaign by them.  Normal marriage between man and woman is sustained since centuries rather from the early history of mankind.  There has never been campaign for hetero sexula marriages for the simple reason that this is according to order of nature and sane human behavior.  


I don't agree as my opinion is different. In my opinion we do marriage to have a company of a partner. Also when two persons of same sex can fulfill even their sexual needs too then what's wrong in legalizing it. These sort of relationships were not so open in past may be that's the reason there are never mentioned in the history




Sanjeev Gupta wrote:
Gulshan Kumar Ajmani wrote:
rambabu wrote:

Why the gays should bother about the world ?  Theirs a different world altogether.Now even from India many gays are ready to go to USA so that their marriages are legalized.


If all or even most become gay and lesbian, humnan race will definitely end very soon.  It is okay to respect rights and emotions of every one- even total lunatices.  But it is totally absurd to narrate virtues of gay/ lesbian relations or marriage or to treat them as normal family. One has to be totally blind to accept them as normal. In fact, if gay and lesbian relation and same sex marriage were normal, there would be no need for any campaign by them.  Normal marriage between man and woman is sustained since centuries rather from the early history of mankind.  There has never been campaign for hetero sexula marriages for the simple reason that this is according to order of nature and sane human behavior.  


I don't agree as my opinion is different. In my opinion we do marriage to have a company of a partner. Also when two persons of same sex can fulfill even their sexual needs too then what's wrong in legalizing it. These sort of relationships were not so open in past may be that's the reason there are never mentioned in the history


Absolutely. There is nothing wrong in legalizing gay marriages. Thinking about the future of the mankind is not the job of Gays. Are we thing about the social evils like Dowry which is a regular affair in legalized marriages ?





Sanjeev Gupta wrote:
Gulshan Kumar Ajmani wrote:
rambabu wrote:

Why the gays should bother about the world ?  Theirs a different world altogether.Now even from India many gays are ready to go to USA so that their marriages are legalized.


If all or even most become gay and lesbian, humnan race will definitely end very soon.  It is okay to respect rights and emotions of every one- even total lunatices.  But it is totally absurd to narrate virtues of gay/ lesbian relations or marriage or to treat them as normal family. One has to be totally blind to accept them as normal. In fact, if gay and lesbian relation and same sex marriage were normal, there would be no need for any campaign by them.  Normal marriage between man and woman is sustained since centuries rather from the early history of mankind.  There has never been campaign for hetero sexula marriages for the simple reason that this is according to order of nature and sane human behavior.  


I don't agree as my opinion is different. In my opinion we do marriage to have a company of a partner. Also when two persons of same sex can fulfill even their sexual needs too then what's wrong in legalizing it. These sort of relationships were not so open in past may be that's the reason there are never mentioned in the history



 Then why god has created different sex on earth. God may have created single sex, and same sex person may have got pregnant by the same sex person. It is totally unnatural, and at times we have seen the results of doing unnatural things on earth.

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