The Finance ministry has now barred the government officils from travelling first class and holding meetungs in 5 star hotels with the intent of putting an end to the VIP culture and also bring down the fiscal deficit...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

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The Finance ministry has now barred the government officils from travelling first class and holding meetungs in 5 star hotels with the intent of putting an end to the VIP culture and also bring down the fiscal deficit...
It is a nice gesture from GOI, having good austerity measures and recently petrol and diesel prices reduced umpteenth times, now govet officials will no longer go to official tour in delux class of flght they will be going to economy class, and other measures are well appreciated from people's government.

Thank you said by: usha manohar
The Finance ministry has now barred the government officils from travelling first class and holding meetungs in 5 star hotels with the intent of putting an end to the VIP culture and also bring down the fiscal deficit...

It is a good step taken by modi government. If they reduce the cost for the travel expense for the MP's who never asks any questions and simply sleeping in the parliment the government can save a huge money.
Thank you said by: usha manohar
The Finance ministry has now barred the government officils from travelling first class and holding meetungs in 5 star hotels with the intent of putting an end to the VIP culture and also bring down the fiscal deficit...

Certainly a good move by Modi Govt. A lot of money goes into first class air travel without any real outcome.

“A mistake is a crash-course in learning” – Billy Anderson

Thank you said by: usha manohar
I personally feel that this should be extended to MPs, MLAs and ministers too except probably CMs and Central ministers and of course the PM and President....Why should the lot be allowed to travel first class ?

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Thank you said by: Mousumi Ghosh, Dwarakanathan
There are rules for traveling expenses for bureaucrats. The control is simple. Allow them the reimbursesment of actual expenses within their entitlement as per rules framed for them. There is n need for any more publicity on austerity masures. In fact, it is policticians whose luxury needs be checked more.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Thank you said by: mohan manohar
Status of a public servant is that he is a public servant so he should not be given any facilities above public itself. They should know their responsibilities more than their status and luxuries that come with as soon as joining government ranks. It's applicable for all politicians as well bureaucrats or even smaller ranks.

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Status of a public servant is that he is a public servant so he should not be given any facilities above public itself. They should know their responsibilities more than their status and luxuries that come with as soon as joining government ranks. It's applicable for all politicians as well bureaucrats or even smaller ranks.

The government employees pay and allowances as well as travellin and boarding/ lodging expeses when on tour are governed by statutory rules. Thery don't get more than what is there in rules. It is mainly te politicians who misuse public funds.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Status of a public servant is that he is a public servant so he should not be given any facilities above public itself. They should know their responsibilities more than their status and luxuries that come with as soon as joining government ranks. It's applicable for all politicians as well bureaucrats or even smaller ranks.

The government employees pay and allowances as well as travelling and boarding/ lodging expenses when on tour are governed by statutory rules. Thery don't get more than what is there in rules. It is mainly te politicians who misuse public funds.

The saving on this account will be peanuts in an annual budget of over Rs 16 lakh crores. The new government is preparing alibis as they may not be able to control budget deficits and expenditures. I agree that it is many ministers and elected politicians who amass
funds. It is very evident when one compares their declared wealth every five years when they stand for elections. Even best of the MNC"s are not able to earn at that growth rate. Let us not be fooled into believing that by controlling TA/DA and some seminar expenses here and there the budgetory deficit will be greatly reduced. This is a ritual every two years for the gullible in the public to believeby smart politicians.
Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
Each and every successive measures taken by Modis government is bound to be criticised every by the opposition esp the congress supporters who pronbably forget what a scam filled governance they gave and now have probably got away with half the nations wealth stashed away in safe havens...We may never be able to recover it now ...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Status of a public servant is that he is a public servant so he should not be given any facilities above public itself. They should know their responsibilities more than their status and luxuries that come with as soon as joining government ranks. It's applicable for all politicians as well bureaucrats or even smaller ranks.

The government employees pay and allowances as well as travellin and boarding/ lodging expeses when on tour are governed by statutory rules. Thery don't get more than what is there in rules. It is mainly te politicians who misuse public funds.

So they should have no problems when the rules are amended. Simple.

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Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
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