It is a staggering number which in turn means that more than 20% of the youth population in India is joblrss. Unless these are usefully engaged one can imagine what could happen since youth is impressionable more so when they need money and there are other means of getting them - An idle mind is a devil's workshop !

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

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It is a staggering number which in turn means that more than 20% of the youth population in India is joblrss. Unless these are usefully engaged one can imagine what could happen since youth is impressionable more so when they need money and there are other means of getting them - An idle mind is a devil's workshop !

True. Unemployment is the starting point of many evils. Some succumb to it and think of resorting to drastic actions out of frustration. In fact this is the factor the terrorist and extremist groups are utilizing in recruiting them for their outfits.
Thank you said by: usha manohar
It is a staggering number which in turn means that more than 20% of the youth population in India is joblrss. Unless these are usefully engaged one can imagine what could happen since youth is impressionable more so when they need money and there are other means of getting them - An idle mind is a devil's workshop !

True. Unemployment is the starting point of many evils. Some succumb to it and think of resorting to drastic actions out of frustration. In fact this is the factor the terrorist and extremist groups are utilizing in recruiting them for their outfits.

True, also get into illegal practices to earn money like drug peddling and smuggling - I was told by a youngster in my town how they are approached by certain groups which provide them with a return ticket to different Arab and Far east countries . They are given a bag which is locked , the contents of which is unknown to them and they have to hand it over to whoever receives them.They are given 250 dollars spending money and are able to stay for 2 days and all their expenses are taken care of ...One can well imagine what this involves ! I was shocked when I heard that some of the teachers and others too had done thie " foreign trip" :unsure: :ohmy:

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

On one side the figures of unemployed youth is such staggering in proportions and on the other side we keep reading how hundreds of thousands of job vacancies remain vacant in various sectors, either because of reservation or because the candidates who turn up for those jobs are unqualified or do not possess talent! Is there any solution to lessen the gap between these two?

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Thank you said by: usha manohar
On one side the figures of unemployed youth is such staggering in proportions and on the other side we keep reading how hundreds of thousands of job vacancies remain vacant in various sectors, either because of reservation or because the candidates who turn up for those jobs are unqualified or do not possess talent! Is there any solution to lessen the gap between these two?

I know, we read about how the police force has not enough personnel and the same with army and scores of other sectors..If there was a committed manner in which the leaders work towards this somhow the gap can be reduced .

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Thank you said by: Kalyani Nandurkar
Another important factor that "Unemployment" silently contributes and escapes from the view of our planners is, " Mass exodus" of the migrant labour to the cities in search of livelihood. Mass exodus adds more problems to the cities. Unauthorised occupation of land and subsequent sprouting of innumerable Slums.
Another important factor that "Unemployment" silently contributes and escapes from the view of our planners is, " Mass exodus" of the migrant labour to the cities in search of livelihood. Mass exodus adds more problems to the cities. Unauthorised occupation of land and subsequent sprouting of innumerable Slums.

Migration to cities happens because of lack of facilities in the villages. If the government provides the basic infra structure without destroying the eco balance I am sure the villagers woyuld be happy to remain where they are cultivating their land and contributing to the economy..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Another important factor that "Unemployment" silently contributes and escapes from the view of our planners is, " Mass exodus" of the migrant labour to the cities in search of livelihood. Mass exodus adds more problems to the cities. Unauthorised occupation of land and subsequent sprouting of innumerable Slums.

Migration to cities happens because of lack of facilities in the villages. If the government provides the basic infra structure without destroying the eco balance I am sure the villagers woyuld be happy to remain where they are cultivating their land and contributing to the economy..[/quote

True. For the same reason many family professions are disappearing. Tanjore paintings, Kalankari Paintings gone in to oblivion due to lack of Governmental support and lack of infra structure. Had these professions are alive, no migration takes place in search of livelihood.
Indeed there is acute unemployment problem. There is also disguised unemployment. Many are employed in jobs much inferior to their qualification and capacity.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Indeed there is acute unemployment problem. There is also disguised unemployment. Many are employed in jobs much inferior to their qualification and capacity.

Out of helplessness, Out of necessity to eke out a living, many highly qualified people are working in lower posts. This is the reality and truth.
Unemployement sometimes is opted out by few people who are qalified, because they just don't want to leave their comfort zone or don't wish to work hard. I personally believe if we are offered a job as per our qualification and the salary is not as high as our expectation we should take it up to gain experience which will land us a lucrative job later. People move out of their native place because there's lack of job in those place. The place from where I hail is a capital city but the jobs offered are only for IT s/w people or teaching jobs which may not cater to many. So, it it high time that the state govt should work in collaboration with the central govt to create job opportunities for literate and less educated people.

“A mistake is a crash-course in learning” – Billy Anderson

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