There is lot of controversy on ministry formation in Delhi. The biggest party BJP refused to form government. Congress cannot. Then AAP got outside support from Congress. AAP stand has been that they would neither support nor get support from Congress as well as BJP.

AAP has been debating the issue. Ultimately it appears that Delhi will get government. Kejriwal has stated that there is nothing unethical in getting Congress support. Indeed this is most sensible and pragmatic approach.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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Aap was in against Congress before election and now wants to form govt with their help.
Everything is possible in politics.
AAP has not yet finally decided to form a government but they are asking the Delhi public whether they want them to form a government with the support of congress or not. The support will last as long the congress does not interfere in proper working or come forward with unethical demands. Meanwhile, the people of Delhi will be able to judge whether a clean government in this country is possible or not. It's not a simple formation of government (IF IT EVER HAPPENS) it will be a qualifying-test for AAP.

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AAP has not yet finally decided to form a government but they are asking the Delhi public whether they want them to form a government with the support of congress or not. The support will last as long the congress does not interfere in proper working or come forward with unethical demands. Meanwhile, the people of Delhi will be able to judge whether a clean government in this country is possible or not. It's not a simple formation of government (IF IT EVER HAPPENS) it will be a qualifying-test for AAP.

There is some dissent in Congress also on support to AAP. But there is no alternative for both AAP and Congress. There can be either President rule or AAP government backed by Congress. In case, There is President rule, elections to assembly will be simultaneous with parliamentary elections. If this happens, BJP may get thumpimg majority in Delhi at cost of AAP and Congress. Congress will prefer AAP to BJP whatever be attitude of the newly formed party.

Also getting referendum from people thropugh SMS and direct contact is bizarre though nothing wrong otherwise. But I wonder if such referendum is feasible at nationalo level and on every issue.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

It now looks as if AAP will form a minority government with Congress giving support ( not unconditional) from the outside.The only problem is how long will this arrangement last ? AAP with all its enthusiasm and clean image is still a novice where governance is concerned and Congress with its age old corrupt practices will go all out to see that AAP gets discredited and will wait for an opportunity to do so...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

It now looks as if AAP will form a minority government with Congress giving support ( not unconditional) from the outside.The only problem is how long will this arrangement last ? AAP with all its enthusiasm and clean image is still a novice where governance is concerned and Congress with its age old corrupt practices will go all out to see that AAP gets discredited and will wait for an opportunity to do so...

There is another issue. Kejriwal has difficulty getting suitable ministerial candidates. Prashant Bhushan, Kumar vishwas and some other prominent AAP personalities are not MLAs. Some have been defeated. The winners are mostly High school or Eight class passed.

Rightly stated that AAP is novice. Add to this their highly ambitious promises that are impracticable. Congress needs do nothing to discredit them.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Uneducated too can rule a country, very well. But, real service mentality is the basic need of a leader, to bring up the standard of a nation. Still let us know about those who are making all the politicians to dance to their tunes. Did we ever try to know the basic qualification of currently chairperson of congress or the deputy chairperson?

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It now looks as if AAP will form a minority government with Congress giving support ( not unconditional) from the outside.The only problem is how long will this arrangement last ? AAP with all its enthusiasm and clean image is still a novice where governance is concerned and Congress with its age old corrupt practices will go all out to see that AAP gets discredited and will wait for an opportunity to do so...

There is another issue. Kejriwal has difficulty getting suitable ministerial candidates. Prashant Bhushan, Kumar vishwas and some other prominent AAP personalities are not MLAs. Some have been defeated. The winners are mostly High school or Eight class passed.

Rightly stated that AAP is novice. Add to this their highly ambitious promises that are impracticable. Congress needs do nothing to discredit them.

Thats true ! theirs is a precarious situation, they have a vision of cleaning up the system but have a long way to go before it can even start working forget about it becoming a reality ....Either way it may be a good experience for them !

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
Uneducated too can rule a country, very well. But, real service mentality is the basic need of a leader, to bring up the standard of a nation. Still let us know about those who are making all the politicians to dance to their tunes. Did we ever try to know the basic qualification of currently chairperson of congress or the deputy chairperson?

We have been seeing what the doctorates in economics and finance management and the fancy Business school graduates are doing or going to do. Now let me see eighth standards and Chaiwalaas functioning. One thing is sure. These chaiwalaas will sell their tea not the country.
Uneducated too can rule a country, very well. But, real service mentality is the basic need of a leader, to bring up the standard of a nation. Still let us know about those who are making all the politicians to dance to their tunes. Did we ever try to know the basic qualification of currently chairperson of congress or the deputy chairperson?

We have been seeing what the doctorates in economics and finance management and the fancy Business school graduates are doing or going to do. Now let me see eighth standards and Chaiwalaas functioning. One thing is sure. These chaiwalaas will sell their tea not the country.

I am waiting eagerly to listen to Arvind's decision about forming the government. It is almost 12PM here but back in India it will be 6.25 in the morning. Hopefully we'll hear something positive that will change the fate of the Delhi public.

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Uneducated too can rule a country, very well. But, real service mentality is the basic need of a leader, to bring up the standard of a nation. Still let us know about those who are making all the politicians to dance to their tunes. Did we ever try to know the basic qualification of currently chairperson of congress or the deputy chairperson?

We have been seeing what the doctorates in economics and finance management and the fancy Business school graduates are doing or going to do. Now let me see eighth standards and Chaiwalaas functioning. One thing is sure. These chaiwalaas will sell their tea not the country.

I am waiting eagerly to listen to Arvind's decision about forming the government. It is almost 12PM here but back in India it will be 6.25 in the morning. Hopefully we'll hear something positive that will change the fate of the Delhi public.

Today, Kejriwala's statement is expected. I too sincerely hope he will not disappoint Delhi public.
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