12 years ago
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12 years ago
There can never be any bad news for powerful politicians. Supreme court has merely decided on basis of existing law. But parliament has passed amendment to law that nullifies supreme court decision. It is always politicians who have last laugh. In fact, Supreme Court judge commented that they interpreted only the law and are aware that an amendment to the law is under consideration in parliament. Parliament can always amend a law.
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
12 years ago
There can never be any bad news for powerful politicians. Supreme court has merely decided on basis of existing law. But parliament has passed amendment to law that nullifies supreme court decision. It is always politicians who have last laugh. In fact, Supreme Court judge commented that they interpreted only the law and are aware that an amendment to the law is under consideration in parliament. Parliament can always amend a law.
True. That's the misfortune of this country. But let's see the reactions and actions in the parliament in the coming parliament sessions.
12 years ago
Yeah, that is something concrete now. I really like the decision taken by the Apex Court. There are so many cases in India where literally criminals are seated in the Houses. I hope this will hold some of them back, though not all, I am sure.
12 years ago
Yeah, that is something concrete now. I really like the decision taken by the Apex Court. There are so many cases in India where literally criminals are seated in the Houses. I hope this will hold some of them back, though not all, I am sure.
Let's cross our fingers and wait what's in store for us. The time for revolutionary changes has come.Its just the beginning.
12 years ago
According to Supreme court , any lawmaker convicted from now for an offence punishable with a sentence of two years or more will be immediately unseated, and will be barred from contesting elections for at least six years.
Supreme court's duty is to properly judge the cases according to law made by lawmakers. SC can at best suggest and remind but cannot make new laws on its own. When lawmakers are involved or interfered in a matter going against them, they find a way to correct it in their own favor sooner than later, without wasting a moment even if they have to call for extra session of house. So rest assured nothing is going to stop more and more 'big ones' from elections and seeing them in different houses. Cheers.
12 years ago
Yeah, that is something concrete now. I really like the decision taken by the Apex Court. There are so many cases in India where literally criminals are seated in the Houses. I hope this will hold some of them back, though not all, I am sure.
Let's cross our fingers and wait what's in store for us. The time for revolutionary changes has come.Its just the beginning.
This is the second important ruling after the RTI law, I suppose. And if such candidates won't be in the fray, they won't get elected either. As there have been examples where people got elected from inside jails too.
12 years ago
Most parties are already opposing such a move and will fight tooth and nail to see that it does not get passed...SP, BSP, TMC and many other parties have already shown their opposition to this amendment ! I have my own doubts as to whether it will come through at all ! We are stuck for life with criminal politicians :angry:
Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!
12 years ago
Most parties are already opposing such a move and will fight tooth and nail to see that it does not get passed...SP, BSP, TMC and many other parties have already shown their opposition to this amendment ! I have my own doubts as to whether it will come through at all ! We are stuck for life with criminal politicians :angry:
Parliament is super authority than supreme court. Now Parliament Neutralize this order of supreme court by amendment in constitution. It is now in hand of voter to say good bye to criminal politicians.
12 years ago
Most parties are already opposing such a move and will fight tooth and nail to see that it does not get passed...SP, BSP, TMC and many other parties have already shown their opposition to this amendment ! I have my own doubts as to whether it will come through at all ! We are stuck for life with criminal politicians :angry:
Parliament is super authority than supreme court. Now Parliament Neutralize this order of supreme court by amendment in constitution. It is now in hand of voter to say good bye to criminal politicians.
Of course this is for people to reject the politicians involved in criminal acts. But usually, people elect them for other reasons. .
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
12 years ago
There can never be any bad news for powerful politicians. Supreme court has merely decided on basis of existing law. But parliament has passed amendment to law that nullifies supreme court decision. It is always politicians who have last laugh. In fact, Supreme Court judge commented that they interpreted only the law and are aware that an amendment to the law is under consideration in parliament. Parliament can always amend a law.
Then what the hell laws are for..... why supreme court is in picutre in that case.. Let parliament create the laws... total s**t system...
Life is a box of Chocolate, You never know what you gonna get.... :)
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