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Women should make their own help groups and not depend so much on government. If they are bold and active and form help group to help immediately their victim sisters, they will get more success.
Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani, Mary
Wow my idea is taken in to live. This is really a good news for the women. It must be implemented in other states also.

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There is no wonder. Whatever government does declaring that its doing a lot to the needy and women in distress is always a superficial effort. There won't be any sincerity in their activities. If i'm right, the so called "Help Line",will die a natural death. May be a question of time.
This is a good news, and women should take advantage of this help. This type of helpline should be launched in other states of India to.

This is a good news, and women should take advantage of this help. This type of helpline should be launched in other states of India to.

yes.. A very great news for womens.
A good news for women in Delhi and we hope it helps in making the capital safe for all of us. I see no point in keeping the thread open hence locking it.

Live in the present :)
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