while the protesters in Delhi and elsewhere demand death- that too instant- for rape culprits, many legal experts and even women organization are opposed to this extreme penalty. In fact, death penalty will increase the possibility of murder after rapes. This will also reinforce the exaggerated significance given to women's chastity which puts them in a very vulnerable position. Male celibacy and women chastity should be subject to same standard. In every rape, man also loses his chastity or celibacy just a woman but he fears no stigma like woman.


G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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True up to some extent but we cannot overlook the results by ignoring this serious crime fearing murder of rape victims. Rape victims are otherwise also as good as dead as far our society is concerned.

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True up to some extent but we cannot overlook the results by ignoring this serious crime fearing murder of rape victims. Rape victims are otherwise also as good as dead as far our society is concerned.

I support your views in this regard. If not death penalty, the alternative penalty should be so stringent that the offender should himself invite death penalty of his own accord.
He must be penalized by depriving him of this particular act for ever. He should make him pay through his nose for all his life.

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He must be penalized by depriving him of this particular act for ever. He should make him pay through his nose for all his life.

I don't know if you are aware of that paper news . Kasab, 2 months before hanging was heard crying loudly in his cell. "Mujhe Phaansi Ka Saja De do."
He must be penalized by depriving him of this particular act for ever. He should make him pay through his nose for all his life.

I don't know if you are aware of that paper news . Kasab, 2 months before hanging was heard crying loudly in his cell. "Mujhe Phaansi Ka Saja De do."

Taking his that particular organ would make him worse than dead. That would give a good lesson to such people in right way.

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This is the difference between our country and other country especially Islamic countries.. for them stealing itself is a big offense and I heard that hands will be amputate for doing it.. However I think death penalty is not the correct punishment for such people only a stringent punishment should be given as said by @sunil
I feel that death is not the solution and as Gulshan pointed out it may back fire with the rapist murdering his victim so that his crime never gets detected.I feel that once proved the rapist should be castrated and let to live regretting his act every single day, so also deter others who have similar intentions...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

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