A boy was caught drinking liquor in Class, by the headmaster of a school in Chennai.
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First incident heard like this. I was not able to dare such things in class. May be the group of friends in which he reside, is like him.

Want to make each day Accountable

I think corporal punishment is justified in such cases. Rules should be changed to allow caning for such offences to children above twelve years of age with safeguards. absence of any corporal punishment leads to such bad behavior.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

First incident heard like this. I was not able to dare such things in class. May be the group of friends in which he reside, is like him.

Definitely bad company too contributes to such behaviors.
I think corporal punishment is justified in such cases. Rules should be changed to allow caning for such offences to children above twelve years of age with safeguards. absence of any corporal punishment leads to such bad behavior.

Yes, we should recall those old way of of teacher punishments which use to work well.
When we see such boy in class, then his parents are also questioned.

Want to make each day Accountable

I think corporal punishment is justified in such cases. Rules should be changed to allow caning for such offences to children above twelve years of age with safeguards. absence of any corporal punishment leads to such bad behavior.

Yes, we should recall those old way of of teacher punishments which use to work well.

In fact, too much or too less of anything is bad. Excessive corporal punishment is as bad as no punishment. I remember that I got caning punishment many times as others would also get. But I never saw anyone even fainting as a result. Now the teachers do not punish but thrash angrily at spur of moment.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

This type of student can spoil other students of the school.I don't how the parents brought them up.

Sharmistha Banerjee
Very daring boy, I think it is the first incident in India , never heard before


This type of student can spoil other students of the school.I don't how the parents brought them up.

Mostly we think that if the boy is like this, how would be his parents. But, i bet his parents would be very humble, polite and good people.

Its the group in which you reside spoil us.

Want to make each day Accountable

This type of student can spoil other students of the school.I don't how the parents brought them up.

Mostly we think that if the boy is like this, how would be his parents. But, i bet his parents would be very humble, polite and good people.

Its the group in which you reside spoil us.

Even if his parents are good enough, they are too good to the spoiled child. They failed to groom him well.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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