A Tsunami alert as high as 2 meters issued for the North east coast of Japan

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This is sad ! Japan has witnessed many such things in recent past and I am really worried for people out there who have risk of their lives. :blink:
In fact Japanese are not as bothered because they know this is part of their life and they have learned and prepared themselves o face such things.

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In fact Japanese are not as bothered because they know this is part of their life and they have learned and prepared themselves o face such things.

Well said. Those who are in it will not feel as panicky as we, the outsiders. Perhaps they have their own ways to face such calamities
In fact Japanese are not as bothered because they know this is part of their life and they have learned and prepared themselves o face such things.

Well said. Those who are in it will not feel as panicky as we, the outsiders. Perhaps they have their own ways to face such calamities

I don't know if they are bothered or not but of course I would be bothered and pray God the disaster not be such big that it happened last time which took away lives of many people there. :blink:
No one can tell any thing in advance as none is fortune teller but Japanese have the advantage to know about storms and Tsunamis well in advance besides they have every thing planned to combat the danger but then you cannot fight with force mejure clause.

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This is terrible in winter season. I am frightened to read this. May God help them.
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