This bridegroom celebrated his marriage too early. And where it ended?
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The bride is to be admired for standing firm and refusing to get married to someone who has neither decency nor any kind of responsibility which is evident when bot the father and son came drunk and on top of that demanded more dowry and got into a quarrel with the guests..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

The bride is to be admired for standing firm and refusing to get married to someone who has neither decency nor any kind of responsibility which is evident when bot the father and son came drunk and on top of that demanded more dowry and got into a quarrel with the guests..

I agree. Credit to the brave bride.
The bride is to be admired for standing firm and refusing to get married to someone who has neither decency nor any kind of responsibility which is evident when bot the father and son came drunk and on top of that demanded more dowry and got into a quarrel with the guests..

Such bride gives an example to other bride who just bow down and accept the crime of their broom.

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If a man likes a girl, he should propose and marry her with concent of their parents. If he wants wealth, he should work hard and earn it. Marriage is not at all a business or source of income. This is discredit of a man. If he has married, he should take responsibility of her and their children. He cannot ask for anything from his in-laws like street beggars.
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