Did Maharashtra Government exceed its brief in arresting the two girls for commenting on the Mumbai shutdown after the death of Bal Thackery?
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This is obvious. The police are working according to dictate of certain political elements. They do more to please their political patrons overacting in their zeal. Arrest of the girls was totally unjustified.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

This is obvious. The police are working according to dictate of certain political elements. They do more to please their political patrons overacting in their zeal. Arrest of the girls was totally unjustified.

This is really a bad incident happened to them. Even court is also supported to that people and punished the girls.

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This is obvious. The police are working according to dictate of certain political elements. They do more to please their political patrons overacting in their zeal. Arrest of the girls was totally unjustified.

I have been seeing police especially in Cyber offenses are over reacting and causing panic in the public.
Bal Thackery was the famous and prestigious politician of Maharashtra. Mumbai shutdown is obvious on his death. In Kolkata, when Jyoti Basu died, Kolkata was shutdown. It was hoilday for a day or two. Hence, nobody should comment on such happenings.
Bal Thackery was the famous and prestigious politician of Maharashtra. Mumbai shutdown is obvious on his death. In Kolkata, when Jyoti Basu died, Kolkata was shutdown. It was hoilday for a day or two. Hence, nobody should comment on such happenings.

This is the picture of Cyber crime right on our necks. Depends on people how they treat and tackle it.
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