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12 years ago
In this filed too !!! They are playing with people's life.. Too sad :(
That's the power of corruption. You can find a place where God is not there, but corruption can be found everywhere.
12 years ago
leaking of exam papers and the money used for making flop movies??
hilarious way of using the money. looks like robin hood for cinema....
thankfully they did not use the money for murder/prostitution
leaking of exam papers and the money used for making flop movies??
hilarious way of using the money. looks like robin hood for cinema....
thankfully they did not use the money for murder/prostitution
Swetha Shenoy
12 years ago
In this filed too !!! They are playing with people's life.. Too sad :(
That's the power of corruption. You can find a place where God is not there, but corruption can be fond everywhere.
Hmm.. That's obvious that even God is moving from everywhere as no one cares for each other.
ANDROIOS: http://androios-tweaks.blogspot.com
12 years ago
Such news is nothing new. There are many doctors engaged in such practices . :sick:
Mala Jaiswar
12 years ago
leaking of exam papers and the money used for making flop movies??
hilarious way of using the money. looks like robin hood for cinema....
thankfully they did not use the money for murder/prostitution
That follows soon.
12 years ago
nothing strange.....
anything can happen in India
Well said Sandhya. I feel very ashamed. Once upon a time, India was the country well known for its heritage and culture. Now it is for corruption.
Yes corruption is our culture now
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