This has been an ongoing issue...Muslim students of Ramakunjeshwar College, near Uppinangady, Mangalore district ( Karnataka) staged a protest outside the college on Friday July 13, urging the authorities to allow them to wear scarves to cover their heads..The authorities say that it is part of their regulations not to have any kind of hjead gear within the class rooms so that a uniformity is maintained ..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

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According to me, the college authority is correct. If a person wears scarve inside classroom, he will be separately identified. This should not be done. Students should understand this fact. They should keep aside their religious norms from education.
According to me, the college authority is correct. If a person wears scarve inside classroom, he will be separately identified. This should not be done. Students should understand this fact. They should keep aside their religious norms from education.

Yes that's what I feel, last year the same thing happened in another college in the same area and the girl concerned dint attend classes because she was not allowed to do so wearing a scarf.Later she and her parents demanded that she be given hall ticket and the college refused since she had no attendance.It became a bid issue and finally , even the university refused to give in saying that she had to attend and have minimum attendance...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

The students' plea appears wrong. Many Muslims do not wear scarf at all places. It is certainly not compulsory to wear Hijab. They should abide by college discipline. One always wears dress according to work place or college. Will it not be funny if army personnel or policemen insist on wearing Hizab instead of prescribed uniform?

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

The students' plea appears wrong. Many Muslims do not wear scarf at all places. It is certainly not compulsory to wear Hijab. They should abide by college discipline. One always wears dress according to work place or college. Will it not be funny if army personnel or policemen insist on wearing Hizab instead of prescribed uniform?

According to reports What is happening at Puttur is that some fanatic groups and sub sects have joined in and are manipulating the striking students and their families to their advantage..In fact Mangalore has always been a very sensitive place where there have been religious tension and strife every now and then !

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
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