It is very disgusting that certain Congress leaders are making dirty politics of personal attendance of Amitabh Bachan, an eminent film personality at certain state run function in Maharashtra.

The Congress leaders' problem is that Amitabh Bachan is brand ambassador of Gujarat Government. Such attitude is very irrational and undemocratic. We have a multi-party system. Amitabh bachan is brand ambassador of Govt of Gujarat. This has nothing to do with BJP, which is ruling in the state. As rightly pointed out by Amitabh bachan in his blog, he does not become a BJP man by associating with Gujarat Govt. nor he will be a communist by attending West Bengal function.

It is very unreasonable for Congress leaders to assume that whosoever associates with Gujarat Govt. is their opponent. Such thinking will result in unnecessary confrontation between governments ruled by different parties and this is against federal set up of our country.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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That is how the political leaders of this country think on major issues.They are notoriously short-sighted and incapable of looking beyond their noses!It is one more instance of muddle-headed thinking on their part!
Politics has its own way of thinking.One party member will think in his party line.If it is against his party line he will be suppressed then and there.

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We have to differentiate between govt. and party. Amitabh Bachan has not attended any BJP function. His being brand ambassador of Gujarat does not mean that he is a BJP man. The thinking of congress is perverted. Amitabh bachan is a film hero and may be appointed as brand ambassador by any govt. In this respect, party is not important.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Who cares this politicians.THey move in a path they had tied like cows moving in a flock.Godd for nothing.
Now the U.P administration is opposing garlanding of Ambedkar statue on 14th April. First congress opposed Amitabh Bachan. Now BSP opposes Rahul Gandhi. We do not know where such tendencies will lead us to.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

It is getting ridiculous and just goes to show how low they can stoop to!
Every brand has a brand ambassador for promoting their product in the competition market.

unfortunately some of the state Governments also following publicity through their brand ambassadors instead of their party leaders.

Part of that, Mr. Amithabh Batchan is the brand ambassador of Gujarat Govt.In this connection Congress party or any other party not suppose to react negative manner.
The partisan game against amitabh bachan is boomeranging on congress. Similarly, Rahul Gandhi garlanding ambedkar statue is being opposed. There is no end to partisan politics. Apparently, congress is being paid in its own coin.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

One more case, of this attitude, i learned from media is from kerala.It is said that minister invited Amitabh bachan to become the brand ambassador of kerala tourism.But later the CPM party leadership opposed this move for the same reason congress had.This is what is called narrow mindedness.
This is what I call 'tunnel vision' and all our politicians suffer from this collective myopia.When will they grow mature enough to deal with issues strictly on merit?If Amitabh Bacchan shares a dais or a chat with Narendra Modi,how does it amount to his subscribing BJP ideology?It's just turning the logic on its head!!!
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