Modi can be tried for Gujarat riots. He was mastermind and many not connected with police job were present in police control room during riots. This shows that Modi and his group were actively involved in riots.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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He has been under this cloud for too long but court cases involving him, have not reached any conclusive stage to confirm his complicity!
That is democracy for you. Any one can accuse any one and any one can be tried. But there never is a result in the end, all are acquitted without any punishments. History of this country has nothing to show.

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Let the media trial stop! It is only in the realm of courts to pronounce him guilty or not but the very fact that the courts have yet to take any decision on his case,puts him him in a favorable light!
This is is all trash accusing and declaring any one a criminal by media without having proper proof. They act as if they run this world.

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