There is move to introduce 'irretrievable break up' as a reason for divorce. This is fair enough as there is no sense in continuing a relation that is beyond repair. BJP leader Jaitlee says that this is loaded against women. This thinking arises from the fact that certain sections of our leadership in politics and society can see women only as dependent on men. Jaitley asserts that if a woman loses her husband's support, she will be dependent on he parents and brothers.

There is only one way to bring gender justice and that is to make women financially and emotionally self dependent. The real cause of women inferiority is dependence and this is what is to be tackled. As long as a woman is dependent on her inlaws or parents, she cannot get her due place of honor.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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The act should be neutral.At present women are more benefited.If the husband is well established then He have to pay compensation though she is dependent or not.
The act should be neutral.At present women are more benefited.If the husband is well established then He have to pay compensation though she is dependent or not.

Law is neutral. Generally, women get compensation. But recently, some men also got compensation as they depended on their wives.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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