In recent times, there have been many cases of Swamis and Sadhus in call girl racket, land grab, murder etc. The media and press make a very big issue of this. The important question is where these Babas come from and how they are able to build huge assets, followings and even intimate relations with powerful politicians. Whom to blame? Religion, the babas or their blind followers. Apparently, the people blindly following them are more to blame. Hon'ble members requested to give their views.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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Here also I think a lot of persons are there following the Godmen.Actually they exploit the beleif of society and build their province.To prevent law and rule raid they help all parties and their local personalities.But God sees all and lights the true story oneday.

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These days.. everybody want money, this kind of baba got a nice business.

I just say,, don't go with any baba, don't trust them, only believe in your god. God lives only inside us not in these baba's.
These fake babas and their ilk are no better and no worse than their followers!
It is not fair to blame those baba's alone we have to blame ourselves because we people get easily flattered by their speeches and follow whatever they say and spend a hell a lot of money on them........
I go with Mr. Lohit's philosophy. God is inside us and every good human being. Sevice to mankind is service to God. No need to look up to any Baba, specially those who want make money at our expense.
I agree what all of you said and really why do people follow all these babas when there are more than 3 crore gods and goddesses in our history...Is that not enough for them...All this happens because of their weakness and lack of self-confidence...

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All comments are very apt. Fault lies with those also who allow themselves to be exploited. These Babas also belong to same human society as others. The religious luminaries like Swamy Vivekanand, Dayanand and many others preached but they did not exploit people. These fake Babas build very huge ashrams, amass wealth, live luxuriously, indulge in land grab and call girl rackets and still call themselves holy men.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

all these saints and babas are doing for getting the craze and to collect money from the society in the name of donations and use that money for ileageal things
The views in this thread are reinforced by Maya Vati, BSP leader and U.P. chief Minister's advice for remaining aloof from the so called saints and Babas.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I have a question in mind that when ever media got any single news why it happens that become a serial chain.

When Prince fall in to a well after that contineously small kids are falling in well.

So after swami Nityananda case Media found some more swami.
Till today how they were hiding from society?
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