West Bengal government/ Mamata Banerjee have been criticized by the left for anti labor circular that prohibits mass leave by employees.

The left forgets that participation in strike also covers absence by taking mass leave. Moreover, leave is subject to exigencies of service and cannot be claimed as a matter of right.


G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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Strike as a weapon has lost its sharpness by its overuse and gross misuse by the left especially in West bengal's context!
Yes we are misusing this weapon and now in countries economic it has some effect but personnaly I think this is useless.Too many strike will disappointed the new new investors.
So we should all oppose the strike.

There should be a fresh debate as to government employeess' treatment as industrial workers! If the trade union rights to be extended to them at all!
There should be a fresh debate as to government employeess' treatment as industrial workers! If the trade union rights to be extended to them at all!

The government employees in Secretariat/ ministries should not be treated as industrial workers and not given any right to strike. Such employees are part of administrative set up of government. However, the employees of state run factories and commercial establishment cam be considered as industrial workers and given same rights as private employees. Here also an exception needs be made for workers in ordnance factories/ other establishments in Ministry of Defence.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant


You are right! There is a need to differentiate on the basis of jobs performed. Babus at Writers' Building are seething in rage!!!
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