Narendra Modi, during his visit in China, said that Gujarat is different from rest of India. Do you agree?
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Though it may be true that gujarat is different in case of development due to him, it is not necessary for him to announce this in some other country which is already waiting for a chance to attack India.
he may have meant it ...gujarat is really on a path of development...thanks to narendra modi..
yes Modi is a magician who has helped Gujarat shine in map of India but i agree he should not have said this in other country.
yes Modi is a magician who has helped Gujarat shine in map of India but i agree he should not have said this in other country.

that does not matter...what matters is what he has done for the country- not what he has said.
Not only Gujarat, every state in India differs from others in terms of language, dress, development etc. There is lot of diversity but only unity. That is why we are said to contain unity in diversity.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

He may be saying this regarding the industries there as China is an industrial country.

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Not only Gujarat, every state in India differs from others in terms of language, dress, development etc. There is lot of diversity but only unity. That is why we are said to contain unity in diversity.

Gujarat recently acquired the status of high economic state in india. the economy of Gujarat grew at a pace very much higher than the economy of india.
This could be some trick played by him to know his state to the chinese.

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yes, sasikanth is right.As he is a kind of magician of politics , so to make his state known by chinese he would have said like that

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

yes, sasikanth is right.As he is a kind of magician of politics , so to make his state known by chinese he would have said like that

now america regards him as the future prime minister of india...
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