According to Bush, India is second target of China. Do you agree?
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that is correct..........china views india with sceptisism. They have always tried to undermine indian integrity.they helps pakistan only because they have a common enemy.
that is correct..........china views india with sceptisism. They have always tried to undermine indian integrity.they helps pakistan only because they have a common enemy.

And one day may come when both, Pakistan and China will attack on India.
So what is the first target of china according to him?

There is no surprise to see that India will be first target of China, it is just waiting for a chance to conquer India, which is already seen in case of Tibet where people were brutually tortured by Chinese soldiers in the past.
I read an article in a magazine, which even stated that Chinese acted like cannibals by eating the meat of the people as a part of the torture. :angry: I still cannot forget that article which shows that they have crossed all the limits of humanity and should not be spared at any cost.
Yes, I agree with you Abhishek and China along with Pakistan is a country which should not be much relied upon. India should well be prepared to deal with them in advance as their nature is something which should not be much trusted upon...!
china is much powerful than terms of militancy and also politically.they have strong allies in north Korea and Pakistan. a direct war with china would mean India will lose ....
India is not the second but the first and the most important target for China, even though they may say otherwise or even our own government may not agree on this! They have already started displaying their designs on India by building roads and bridges within Indian territory in North East states. They are even luring Indian students from Manipur, Meghalaya etc by offering scholarships and huge subsidies for higher education. Worst of all is capturing of Indian markets by flooding us with cheap yet well designed products of multiple functions and uses. Instead of becoming wary, our government officials are quite happy to oblige them by exporting stuff from them! :(

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Yes india is the second target of china.It planned the money inflation in our country.

IN future days it is planning to launch china bikes in india.

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India must depend on own sources to see who is whose target. In fact, most countries in Asia and Africa are target of U.S.A. India is also more a U.S. target than Chinese. China and India are both U.S. targets. U.S.A. attempts to interfere and sabotage internal systems in other countries by sponsoring and encouraging disruptive and anarchist movements by giving awards and money to certain organizations and NGO etc.

However, we have to be cautious against China as well as Pakistan as well.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

India may be China's second target, but it could be our first target. This is because China, more than Pakistan, is far more dangerous as an enemy. It has superior military powers than India and also their political situation too is very strong. India must concentrate more on China than Pakistan.
India may be China's second target, but it could be our first target. This is because China, more than Pakistan, is far more dangerous as an enemy. It has superior military powers than India and also their political situation too is very strong. India must concentrate more on China than Pakistan.

true...Pakistan has also secured their perfect ally in china.recently china had gone as far as to publicly say that any attack on Pakistan will be regarded as an attack on china.
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