The gold and silver prices are come down.


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Sasikant you wrote Rs 1500 for gold.I want to know is it per gram or per kg.
This is nice to see that the gold prices are comes down a little bit after a long time.
but yet it is 26000 per 10 gram. It is more than enough rate.
But today price of gold is 2510 rs approximately.It will increase more in 3 days before diwali.

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But today price of gold is 2510 rs approximately.It will increase more in 3 days before diwali.

Thanks for this update Sasi on the prices of gold and it will be helpful for most of us as people might be expecting to buy gold in Dhanteras...!
I think that today the prices will be high as there is dhanteras today,many people will buy gold.

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The gold price will be on 6 Dec 26832 rs approximately.Today it is 2500 rs approx

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The gold prices varies in quick intervals of time,so never know what price we get next.

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But can one tell me how gold rate and silver rate goes up and down . on what bases

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

There are 4 individuals sitting in a company in US. I dont remember the name of the company.

These 4 individuals has the only job of handling the supply of Gold across the globe. You will not believe the prices of Gold are decided by them.

If they want prices to go up, they restrict or slow down the supply of Gold which in turn, increases the demand of Gold in Indian market or in any other market and hence prices go up.

This way Gold prices are managed and Gold keeps on shining.
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