The Tees Hazari court has delivered its order to Amar Singh -- its jail, not bail -- till September 19. In all likelhood he may be taken to Tihar jail. His lawyers can file for bail only on September 19.

Obviously his plea earlier this afternoon did not work.

Amar Singh personally argued his case for over five minutes, saying he had developed infection in his urinary tract for which he has to visit Singapore for tests every three months, besides being in constant touch with doctors. "I lost my kidneys and I am now living on borrowed kidneys. There are hazards of being in public life and there is infection in my urinary track which is dangerous for my borrowed kidney," said Singh.

"I was having (health) problems since yesterday. I have faith in judiciary and in the Constitution. I was treated in Mt. Elizabeth Hospital [which is also where Rajanikanth was treated] in Singapore and have to travel every three months (for medical check ups)," said Singh, pleading to the court to take note of his health condition.
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as the voting time is coming near . fake leaders owe these tricks.
If amar singh found guilty law will punished him.Corrupted leaders should be punished as model.
Whatever be the order it should be a lesson for every politician that even health reasons do not work sometimes.
I think he should get treatment as per Govt rules but should be punished if found guilty.

Santosh Kumar Singh


Punishment is not new. many prominent people including ministers have been punished when found guilty. In this connection, ex telecom minister Sukh Ram is a case. Now amar singh is in jail for cash for query scam.

Corruption is a way of life in India. But the administration and judicial system works. when caught, prosecution and punishment follow. Let us remember that this is when there is no Lok pal. even present organization of CBI, courts, CVC all are working. In fact, Lok Pal is nothing but new name for reorganized CBI and CVC.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

This is a very good move.Fake and cheating leaders should be punished severely.
this is the trick of the cheater who thing all the thing are get by doing cheating to others.
I think he will get rest in the jail also instead of punishment because he is politician.

Santosh Kumar Singh


Tihar Jail is getting populated with MPs and former Mps.They can have a parallel parliament meeting there!

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