Yoga an effective therapy to treat psychiatric disorders

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[quote]Yoga an effective therapy to treat psychiatric disorders[/quote]
It is our traditional Indian wealth.It is not new. We should do practice for at least half an hour daily.
yes right yoga gives the peace to mind and mind feels a relaxation.
Yoga has its own benefit when it comes about moral and physical fitness and it can even be used to treat psychiatric disorders as is relevant from the link. I think yoga is a must now-a-days considering the different problems we face in our lives and a way to recover from them...!
Yoga has its own benefit when it comes about moral and physical fitness and it can even be used to treat psychiatric disorders as is relevant from the link. I think yoga is a must now-a-days considering the different problems we face in our lives and a way to recover from them...!

Yoga may be good for various purposes. However, each problem needs a unique solution and Yoga cannot be a substitute. For example work tension can be removed by better time management and delegation. similarly, financial difficulty will be removed by better financial planning consisting of controlling expenditure, raising more income resources etc. These days, Yoga professionals are also cheating people especially the more rich like astrologers and vastu experts etc.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Yoga is best and natural curing of human being. It brings alot of change in our life so this is not a new thing that it treats psychiatric disorders

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Yoga is the only effective way of treating psychiatric diseases and give calmness.
yoga is a good threaphy but it effect only for the mild physical disorders person only.
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