Arundhati Roy argues that anna has been used by NGOs financed by foreign contribution. Anna became an image of 'saint' that helped the likes of Kejriwal and Kiran Bedi to fan emotions of 'patriotism', anti corruption, which were fake.

She is satisfied that the Jana Lok Pal Bill has not been introduced the way desired by the team anna.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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Now the question for us is how representative are the views of Arundhati Roy. If Anna Hazare is not a saint he is not a villain either! The highest praise of Anna's activities has come from no less an important person than the PM of the country that too from the sacred portal of Parliament!!
Anna arundhati is an honest intellectual while Prime minister is a victim of combined acts of corrupt, opportunist elements in his own team and the mobocrats. His condition is very pitiable. What Manmohan singh said is owing to compulsion of circumstances.

Arundhati roy is under no compulsion to say untruth. So her views need a closer look even if we may disagree with him on some points.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant


If you are attaching greater importance to what Arundhati Roy says to rubbish what Mr. Anna Hazare stands for which has been acclaimed by the ruling party and the opposition alike you are quite entitled to do so but my doubts still remain!

If Dr.Singh acted under compulsion what was Arundhati Roy's compulsion? She's also known to be very controversial figure!
Anna has tried very much to describe all the matters i think they are not displayed by media .

If you are attaching greater importance to what Arundhati Roy says to rubbish what Mr. Anna Hazare stands for which has been acclaimed by the ruling party and the opposition alike you are quite entitled to do so but my doubts still remain!

If Dr.Singh acted under compulsion what was Arundhati Roy's compulsion? She's also known to be very controversial figure!

We may not agree to Arundhati in full. In fact, we need not agree to any one blindly. anna is well meaning and credit goes to him for expediting enactment of Lok Pal Bill. Let us hope that parliamentary standing committee will objectively and sincerely consider all drafts and suggestions for effective Lok pal Bill and give recommendations accordingly so that an effective Lok pal Bil is enacted at the earliest.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

i agree with Chinmoy that she is also a controversial figure. I feel that corrupted people will be more cautions and will not help anna in acheiving his goal. For that they will not praise him or follow him. so one should decide from this fact, who is corrupted and who is not.
i agree with Chinmoy that she is also a controversial figure. I feel that corrupted people will be more cautions and will not help anna in acheiving his goal. For that they will not praise him or follow him. so one should decide from this fact, who is corrupted and who is not.

Corruption is a way of life. anna is honest. Arundhati is also honest. But the crowds in anna team are not honest. The corrupt and tax evading businessmen, lawyers, doctors, black money generators and under world collaborator actors were also in anna crowd. How can you expect these people remove corruption?

You need clean water to wash. anna is well meaning but he has dirty and corrupt followers who cannot help him. In our zeal, let us not ignore facts.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I don't think it's a fair proposition to judge Anna by the credentials of his followers. Gandhiji too drew crowds of followers of questionable characters!!
I don't think it's a fair proposition to judge Anna by the credentials of his followers. Gandhiji too drew crowds of followers of questionable characters!!

Here the problem is that mahatma Gandhi had an easier task. He fought for changing rulers. It was easy to remove British. Here the rulers and ruled were of distinct identity and hence the matter was clearer.

As regards corruption, this is a human trait common to most Indians including those in anna team. Here I may also invite attention to Raja Ram Mohan Roy's successful efforts to remove 'sati'. He could do so, because the British themselves were against such inhuman practice and so they helped Raja ram Mohan Roy. Here anna supporters are more corrupt than the politicians and bureaucracy. They have nothing against corruption in corporate sector, private sector hospitals, educational institutions, film profession etc.- all of which are solidly behind anna. anna has no following of honest. You cannot clean floor with dirty water.

So, the matter is of draft Lok pal Bill. This is a political and legal issue. The matter is before parliamentary standing committee. The issue will be sorted out in due course according to constitutional norms. This matter is unrelated to the slogans like Bhara mata Ki jai, anna is India etc raised in Ram Lila grounds for brainwashing mobs.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I agree with chinmoy that it is not a fair thing to judge Anna by his followers.
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