Vitamin C treatment may help curb Alzheimer's

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curbs alzheimer can be caused due to lack of vitamin c and other vitamin and vitamin c is very hrlpful in this.
I think it is still in the research phase. Alzheimer can affect people of all ages especially people around age of 60.
This is really very useful information and thanks for sharing with us.
Alzheimer is a great problem to the old people.It happens due to lack of vit-c.Thanks for nice information.
Alzheimer is more a result of feeling old and retiring from activities. Nobody becomes suddenly old. Nobody should bother about his actual number of years lived. Howsoever old, one must continue working even if slower and for reduced hours. I have seen that many employees are in retirement mood even a few years ahead of actual retirement. This brings lethargy of mind and body.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I agree with you gulshaji and it is due to mechnical life too that people are so much vexed with their job and even proper diet,lack of exercise can also make mind weak. :)
Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
I agree with you gulshaji and it is due to mechnical life too that people are so much vexed with their job and even proper diet,lack of exercise can also make mind weak.

I agree with you Rajani, lack of proper diet and exercise is the main cause for most of the diseases

thanks for sharing dear.
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