Aruna Roy an eminent activist has presented the third draft Lok Pal Bill saying that she will not compel for accepting her draft. she says that the parliamentary institutions need be respected. She says that anna is ill advised.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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I don't know if Anna Hazare is ill-advised or well-advised but his critics are ill-informed to interpret all his moves as an open challenge to the supremacy of Parliament in making laws! If the law-making process itself is haijacked by a section of self-serving people what happens? The law-makers owe an explanation to an ordinary citizen like me as to why the country couldn't have a Lok Pal in the last six decades!
As a citizen of India we have to respect our parliamentary system.What Arundhathi told is correct.

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I agree with Aruna Roy and in my point of view,she is correct.
i am not agreed that anna is ill advised. he is doing everything for the sake of country.
Anna is anti corruption as he says. Is any one pro corruption? Do the slogans and songs in ram Lila ground carry any meaning. Is this not maddening and attempt to brainwash.

Law is enacted in parliament. Our political system is parliamentary system based on political parties. Ignoring all this and coercing MPs for accepting their Jan Lok Pal Bill is nothing but utter lawlessness, anarchy and anti democratic action. Mobocracy is not democracy. This is anti democratic and fascist.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Aruna roy activist is right and every citizen should respect parliamentary system

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