Team anna now wants PM or some senior minister to negotiate.

Team anna should realize that nobody can make all promises. Even PM can only promise suitably amending the draft lok pal bill and agree to the suggestions of the team. Ultimately, the combined wisdom of parliament consisting of MPS belonging to different parties will prevail.

Also team anna is engaged in futile exercise of coercing members of parliament and ministers to support Hazare team draft. They must realize that we have a parliamentary party based system. The political parties will decide the conduct of their members in parliament. Team anna is behaving in a very strange manner. It is time they end their anarchy or anna-rchy.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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The hunger strike is creating irritation in common people now as it is used by all.Here Hazare can negotiate with Govt with full heart rather than with some in mind and some in open.

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he is right . one of the main person either PM or rahul should come forward.
he is right . one of the main person either PM or rahul should come forward.

The problem is that even Prime minister or Rahul do not have full authority. The bill will be passed by parliament which consists of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha. The members of parliament belong to various political parties. The MPs vote on party line.

The bill is already presented before parliamentary committee. After approval, this will be discussed separately in Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha. ASfter approval by both houses, President of India will give assent. Only then this will be law. If this involves a constitutional amendment affecting states, the bill is to be approved by state assemblies also.

This is a lengthy procedure. Anna team should end agitation and bring some order and discipline. Moreover, the bill is not a remedy to end corruption. This is only a complaint redress procedure. Most of the corruption is consensual and no body will complain. No complaint, no action; Lok Pal or no Lok pal- strong or weak- Govt. ot jana.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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