Anna is very much in news owing to his fast. But he has his lieutenants and aides who plan and execute the programs. His 'support' and 'gathering' is not as spontaneous as made out. Media and event management, speech writing all these are integral part of Team anna campaign. 'India against corruption' is the key pocket organization.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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I am with anna . i hope his movement will give a best result.
anna must win there war against the corruption i too with anna and support him to.
I don't support anna's process of movement.Where he was when there were many corruptions in bihar or howla or tahelka.What he is demanding now is the whole nation's demand.Govt is ready to talk with him but he is telling the parliament should follow him he will not.Now he is the only responsible for such situation.
Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
I am with him and i think there is no wrong in fighting instead on talks which do not have solution. what is the output of so many talks with pakistan? Result is seen through bomb blast which are occuring on same date of each year. but still no actions. blaming each other is the only thing happening between pak and India. And some one else is enjoying the show and creating havoc. :angry:
In my point of view,Anna is correct and I support for him.
As far as removing corruption is concerned, there can be no two opinions. But as regards enactment of law, this is a matter concerning experts and the mob gathering at Jantar Mantar or Ram Lila ground or before legislators' and parliamentarians' houses have no business. This is a matter in jurisdiction of government and parliament.

We should not allow us to be brainwashed by the pseudo patriotic so called crusaders against corruption. They are as corrupt or even more than others.

Let us also not be misled by the crowds at Ram Lila ground. many are there only for fun or medical care. The crowd is reducing as holidays end.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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