Undoubtedly, U.S.A. and other western countries have a a superiority notion and despite lagging behind Asian powers in many respects, do not refrain from interfering in internal affairs of independent sovereign nation.

The western countries from time to time shed crocodile tears on so called suppression of 'civil rights' and democratic norms in third world countries. They even go to the extent of giving awards to the rebels in other countries.

Latest is U.S. intervention in 'likely' suppression of Team anna Hazare fast till death. The fast is not yet begun but the U.S. interventionists are 'dreaming' suppression of 'civil rights' to create anarchy. However, U.S.A. has given the excuse that their official was 'inexperienced' and 'just appointed'. Hence 'the mistake'.

Team Anna may justly or unjustly adopt blackmailing and coercive tactics like fast unto death and playing with emotions of patriotism by misrepresenting facts on Lok pal but this is surprising that they are happy to get U.S. support for their not so lawful activities. It appears team Hazare also expects Nobel Prize like their Chinese counterpart.


G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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this idea about anna hazare might be a bit harsh.do not think about lokpal.but see what he has done for that small village in maharashtra.giving him a nobel prize will not be a bad idea.
Yes, anna definetely deserves nobel prize for his good idea, and the movement. Though the team has some bad activities these days the main aim of anna should be encouraged.
I agree with Rajani Anna Deserves noble price. he is selfish less person on the earth i have found till now

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