With the visit of a notorious goonda to Sree Padmanabha Swamy temple here the other day triggering a controversy, the security agencies have now decided to impose restrictions at entry point meant for temple officials.

The security officials are trying to ensure that regular devotees are not allowed to use the entry point meant for temple authorities.

The decision comes in the wake of goonda Om Prakash, who is an accused in the Paul Muthoot murder case and several criminal cases, walking into the temple using the entry point meant for temple officials.

“This person is a devotee who has been visiting the temple regularly over last many years,” the Additional Director General of Police, Venugopal K. Nair, who is charge of temple’s security told Deccan Chronicle.

“Apparently he has friendly relations with some temple officials and seems to have utilised one of them to go inside the temple.”

He said the temple officials facilitated Omprakash’s entry from the gate which was normally used by temple staff to carry materials associated with the rituals.

Sources say even though the goonda entered the premises in the presence of the cops, they did not interfere as Omprakash was accompanied by temple officials.

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This is really a good act taken forward.Thank you for sharing.
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