Despite good pay packages, women employees, especially those in BPOs, call centres, hospitals etc., are usually not comfortable with working in night shifts. Not only are there safety and security concerns, they also face problems commuting, health issues and socio-cultural problems such as childcare facilities and lack of a social life.

This was revealed in a survey on night shifts of women in major Indian cities, conducted by the Associated Chamber of Commerce and Industries (Assocham) and sponsored by the National Commission for Women. The survey results were based on information on what employers and women employees thought about night shifts and how it impacted women’s lives. According to the survey, 38 per cent women in Hyderabad feel insecure while working in night shifts preceded by Ludhiana and Bengaluru. While 13 per cent employees find commuting very taxing, around 14 per cent feel the need for crèches and separate lounges for nursing mothers at workplaces. Eight per cent encounter social problems and just two per cent get in-house training on self-defence and health issues.
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Yes now a days the women is not having the security for that purpose it is becoming tough for their life.

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Night shift duties really disturb the family life as well as the physical health.

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The night shift really troubles a lot especially for women because of the society,physical health and family life.
Night shifts are not good for health nor does it is good for security reasons of women and I often come across in newspapers about some petty cases for the same. But modern day jobs are as such that they demand employees to work round the clock which surely have an impact on the health of employees in the long run....
If that woman is married and the mother it will be tough to do night shift.As the children and the husband remain in out of house for hte whole day.
Night shift means working at odd hours. By nature, night is for rest and not work. This is uncomfortable for men and women both. But women are physically weaker and have additional family responsibility. They are also vulnerable to harassment and double standards of society that go against them.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Yes, I agree with abid. night shift always disturb family life and health.

Be positive
Night shift job is not good for health especially for women and it is not even safe and secure to them. before joining they should take health precautionary and even should know complete hidden history of the company they are going to join

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

I agree that night shift jobs are not good for health and women too. :)
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