HYDERABAD: Alarm bells are ringing in the headquarters of the steel ministry in Delhi after it has been discovered that the city-based public sector giant National Mineral Development Corporation (NMDC) was a part of the mafia mining operations in Karnataka.

Even as the NMDC is preparing a defence after the steel ministry asked it for an explanation, the Santosh Hegde report has indicted the company for under-invoicing exports to the tune of Rs 2,222 crore over the period 2006-07 to 2010. The Karnataka Lokayukta's report avers that this under-invoicing could have led to "parking money abroad" and has recommended full investigations in the matter. "NMDC is a Navaratna company of the central government and now is found to be part of the mining mafia. This is a really poor reflection of the state of affairs of the country," a retired secretary to GOI said.

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this is not acceptable.the fact that this has come from a company which has been issued the navratna status by the reserve bank makes it more unacceptable.
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