CHENNAI: The suburban police have arrested 14 persons who promised parents medical seats in Sri Ramachandra Medical College (SRMC) for a commission but did not deliver on the promise. The brokers, many of whom are MBA and MCA graduates, are now lodged at the Puzhal prison.

Only last week, the police registered cheating cases against Shree Balaji Medical College, managed by the family of Union minister S Jagathrakshakan, for allegedly collecting capitation fee and then denying seats to students.

Central crime branch officials of the Chennai suburban police said they received several complaints that the college collected capitation fee up to Rs 18 lakh but did not give students medical seats in 2010.
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Touts are in every field. We are becoming a nation of middlemen and agents. It is time such practices are removed and people engaged on productive jobs.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

This is very good that they got found.Because,those seats can be got by many poor students who have dream of becoming a Doctor.
These brokers should be dealt with severely and given punishments so that they don't repeat their mistakes. People like them are obstacles for the healthy growth and grooming of our society....
This is a very unfortunate case. It is proved that corruption is everywhere.
may god these steps are taken in each field to remove such kinds of thefts.
It has become a business for these people and are students should be cautious now.
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