Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is undoubtedly one of the most distinguished students to have ever studied at Panjab University. But his name seems to be curiously missing from a list of those given an honorary doctorate of law degree.

A Right to Information (RTI) inquiry by activist Rajinder K. Singla shows that the prime minister's name does not figure in the list of those honoured by the university with a Doctor of Laws (honoris causa) degree since 1949.

However, it's common knowledge that the university had organised a special convocation for its most distinguished student Nov 3, 2009, and conferred on him the same degree.

"The university had hosted a special convocation on November 3, 2009, to award a Doctor of Laws (honoris causa), to Manmohan Singh, incurring huge public money for the event," Singla said.
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The information on Prime Minister's website and the information given by University reconcile. Here the matter ends. Honorary degree to prime Minister is a non issue. It appears that some individuals have a lot of time to waste on futile and useless exercises. They are wasting time of all concerned by misusing RTI.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

ya right i am also agreed with Gulshan ji that no need to take in concern on these topics. they are just time wasting nothing else.
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